“Being born into severe poverty, surviving sexual abuse as a child, living in a dangerous toxic home environment, abandoned by family members…suffice to say, I had so much to forgive and let go of, and with God’s help, I did and live a blessed life today, by choice. I want women to know, that no matter what they’ve been through, they can rise up, and move forward.” Mary Jean Marquez didn’t let her past haunt her. With a successful, empowering business and a book in the works – Marquez is one to inspire. Read her interview:

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
When I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful confident daughter of God. This wasn’t always the case, but I learned over the years that I am not defined by my past, titles, hurts, mistakes…I am defined by who God says I am. I am more than a conqueror, I am victorious, I am all that God says I am, and my prayer is that every woman would realize how deserving, precious and valuable she is.
Tell us about your business ventures?
I’ve always had an entrepreneur spirit. My first business venture was a Word Processing business that I operated from my home. It was a good set up for my family life, as I had three small children at that time. I helped people set up their resumes, typed student essays…It was a need I saw, and met it.
My current business, and heart passion, is Women Uplifting Women LLC. It all started in 2009, and has been such a huge blessing. I have been involved in many areas of ministry for the past 30 years, and WUW came naturally to me. It is my heart; it is my life to help women live their best life.
I am a woman who has overcome and conquered stacked up odds against me from the time I was born. Being born into severe poverty, surviving sexual abuse as a child, living in a dangerous toxic home environment, abandoned by family members…suffice to say, I had so much to forgive and let go of, and with God’s help, I did and live a blessed life today, by choice.
I want women to know, that no matter what they’ve been through, they can rise up, and move forward. God will restore their lives, if they allow Him to help, and cooperate with His plan for them.
Any big projects coming up in the future?
My goal is to publish a book in the next year. This has been a long time coming, and a great labor of love; not easy! There are many projects on the table, and in the planning stages, to include a brick and mortar WUW
Headquarters with a studio for our Women Uplifting Women Coffee Chat Podcast. Very exciting! Please keep us in your prayers.
What do you most love about what you do?
The thing I love the most about what I do, is seeing lives change for the better. That is the most important thing to me. Every woman is a child of God, and deserves to be happy and whole in every area of life. Sometimes it takes a little tough love, but when that woman gets it, and begins to change her life, that is the ultimate success for me. I know it makes God happy to see His beautiful daughters do better for themselves.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself doing the same thing in 10 years, but in a bigger scale, reaching more women and communities as God leads. This is my life’s passion, and I will always strive to continually and progressively grow, doing more to make a bigger impact in women’s lives, and in our communities.
Do you have any tips for women in business?
My number one tip for women in business is to pursue your heart’s passion. That is where the magic is. Find your passion by identifying what makes you the happiest and fulfilled. When you do this, your work won’t feel like work. You will be energized, and no matter the obstacles, you will find the solutions and conquer.
View your business, that passion, like your baby. You give birth to your creative ideas; you nurture it through all the phases, and come out the other end happy, strong and successful doing what you love. Others will feel your passion, and want to be a part of it. Many find their passion in art, writing…
My second tip is to find a need and meet it. People need what you have. Make sure to do all you do with truth, integrity and good character!
How do you hope to empower women or is there an imprint you’d like to leave?
My hope and prayer is to empower women with my own story, and example of overcoming all odds. To help women understand, how much God loves them and desires to have a relationship with them.
The imprint I would like to leave is for women to know how precious and awesome they are. They are deserving of God’s best in every area of life, and it takes the decision to move forward, and do the necessary work to get there. Start the healing process with forgiveness, and let God move her to the next step, and level in every area of life.
What do you think your ultimate purpose in life is?
My ultimate purpose in life is to be true to my heart, and be the best authentic me I can be. I am all about being real, and my purpose flows from that authenticity, enabling me to reach out and help others with grace and mercy.
How do you think we, together, can help women gain confidence and reach their fullest potential?
It is ultimately up to each individual woman to make the decision, and choices to reach their full potential, but we can do our part and encourage them. It could be your obedience to God’s leading in reach out to someone, that will change her life, and those attached to her life, forever.
I always share that when we touch one woman’s life, it is like a domino effect, impacting her family, her church, her schools, her community…It is never ending. So, let’s ‘together’ make a quality decision to make a difference in our circle of influence, beginning in our homes! Me in my part of the world, you in your part of the world.
“That is the beauty and power of Women Uplifting Women, we collaborate in a global sphere Building an army of Women Uplifting Women!” – Mary Jean Marquez