In an Ohio city, a plaza and statue honoring abolitionist Sojourner Truth were unveiled before a crowd of hundreds on Wednesday. The plaza stands at the exact location where Truth delivered her iconic 1851 speech, now known as “Ain’t I a Woman?” during the Ohio Women’s Rights Convention at the Universalist Old Stone Church in Akron. The Sojourner Truth Legacy Plaza and the United Way of Summit and Medina Counties now occupy where the church once stood.
The statue, created by artist Woodrow Nash, portrays Sojourner Truth holding an open book and standing atop an impala lily. Meanwhile, the Impala Lily is the national flower of Ghana, representing her father’s heritage. The monument aims to highlight the contributions of Black women civic leaders who have followed in Truth’s footsteps. Stone pillars encircle the plaza, featuring engravings of words like “faith” and “activism,” along with a quote from Truth herself.
Towanda Mullins, chairperson of the Sojourner Truth Project-Akron, expressed the hope that the plaza would serve as a reminder to speak up for all. Truth, a former slave, was born Isabella Bomfree. Nevertheless, she became the first Black woman to successfully sue white men for her son’s freedom. Therefore, this new memorial honors her life’s journey and struggles.
Meanwhile, this is not the only recognition Truth has received. In 2020, a bronze statue featuring her, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony was unveiled in New York’s Central Park. Angola, Indiana, also unveiled a statue of Truth in 2021 at the site where she gave a speech in 1861. The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund spearheaded the opening of the Sojourner Truth Legacy Plaza. The Knight Foundation, United Way of Summit and Medina, the Sojourner Truth Project-Akron, and the Akron Community Foundation provided funding.
Mullins emphasized that this is an American story, not just an African American one. It represents history at its best for all people. The plaza and statue are a tribute to Sojourner Truth’s legacy. They prompt reflection on the past and inspire a brighter future for everyone.
We would like to hear your thoughts on the significance of the Sojourner Truth Legacy Plaza and statue. How can it inspire and shape conversations about equality and social justice today?