Atia Sherrod is the founder of company, Lovethyself and a fellow self-love warrior and advocate. Going through a split family, tragic loss of a son, and toxic relationship after the next, Atia gave up the grief and devoted her life’s work to finding empowerment through adversity. Her company was founded by accident during a social media post for women to keep pushing through. Now, she’s becoming a successful business owner with two business ventures under her belt while holding down two jobs. Meet Atia.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
A: When I look in the mirror now, I see a woman who has overcame everything that was supposed to take her out of here. I see the scars of a damaged little girl because her father abandoned her. I see a woman who has had numerous failed relationships because men walked over her and took her kindness for granted. I see a mother who lost her child because her ex pushed her down the steps at 5 months & she lost her first born son. I see a woman who never thought she would be divorced, I see a woman who had the enemy try every plot to destroy her but God kept his hands on her. I see a warrior, I see Atia.
How have you used an adversity to drive you toward success?
A: It was hard for me to deal with the scars,I tried to keep myself motivated daily. One day I made a post on Facebook and I used the hashtag Lovethyself. The post said, “There are a lot of females who are honestly struggling, working check to check. Working legitimate jobs, but feel like they are behind because they see other females wearing nice clothes having expensive bags, nice shoes, driving expensive cars, and taking trips. Don’t feel bad…most of them chicks selling their soul for a check. Keep hustling, and never stop grinding baby girl. It’s going to get greater later I promise. They might shine now, and you may feel like you getting rained on …but remember even rain makes things grow.” I had so many females comment on that post and it was a reminder for myself when I was in that dark space in my life. Out of no where I built my empowerment brand called #Lovethyself to motivate myself to love myself flaws & all and to never allow anyone to make me feel worthless. I started making different posts on Facebook and started getting women from all over commenting how I’ve helped them overcome adversity. I hosted an event and to my surprise it sold out! My thoughts were, I’m just this small town North Carolina girl, who would come out & hear anything I have to say. I used that platform to continue to inspire & let other women know they’re not alone in this thing called life.
Tell us about your life work?
Right now, I’m working a full time & part time job along with being an entrepreneur. It’s a lot, it’s not easy but I know my end game is to inspire and help women through miscarriages, divorces, abuse, and to be that ultimate girl boss.
Any big projects coming in the future?
Yes, I’m in the process right now of writing my first book which I’m excited about. I’m also about to launch my own eyelash and custom jewelry line. So, if interested head over to to get notified of the launch. You can follow me on @Ltsdaily on Instagram.I have so many things in the works, 2019 has been good to me thus far!
What do you most love about yourself and what you do?
I love my strength, I’ve been through a lot & just to look in the mirror at the woman I’ve grown into and still growing into I love that. It was a struggle.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I still see myself helping others, having my own clothing line, having a healthy marriage and kids and being a better version of myself & being loved by the right man.
Do you have any tips for women?
My #1 tip would be to love yourself,truly, love you for you. Just because you see other women looking “perfect “ on social media remember that in order for a picture to be perfect it has to be edited a few times. So stop trying to edit your life to mimic there’s because you never know what they had to go through to have that picture perfect image.
How do you hope to empower women or is there an imprint you’d like to leave?
I’m hoping that I’m able to empower women by hearing my story, we all go through similar things in life & I want each and every woman to know they can overcome. They have my hand to hold through the process. So come on let’s hold each other’s hand.
What do you think your ultimate purpose in life is?
My purpose I feel in life is to help others. I’ve always been the type to stretch out my hand, I’ve been bitten before but its never made me not want to help others.
How do you think we, together, can help women gain confidence and reach their fullest potential?
We can help women gain confidence by truly being there for them. I see so many women say they have these empowerment groups but be the same women tearing they’re sister down. A woman doesn’t want to tell her story and then worry about other women in her circle tearing her down. It’s truly time to bring back the sisterhood.