“Take care of yourself first. As many of you are wives, mothers, and businesswomen, it’s very easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself first,” says Patricia Yiu. As a spiritual worker purposed in helping women find their inner power again, Patricia knows a thing or two about the power of self-love. Overcoming sexual abuse as a child, Patricia Yiu is now a specialized lightworker and healer. She has training in Yoga, Reconnective Healing, Akashic Records, Life Coaching, Emotional Release and Channeling and inspires women to reclaim their lives. Her vision is to become a public speaker, empowering women and girls to embrace who they really are, bringing a ripple effect to their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Her beautiful story on how she has reclaimed her own life and is now helping women to do the same is so inspiring.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I see myself as a candlelight for other women who on the path of remembering who they are, showing them the way, guiding their steps so they can reflect their own light, healing, and remembrance.
I see a Goddess who has the courage to step into her darkest shadows again and again so she keeps on letting go of what doesn’t serve her anymore so she can rise even higher each time.
I see a sister who is ready to lead the way for others to join her in rising up.
Tell us about your business ventures?
I’ve been on the path of Spiritual Healing for almost 8 years now, working with women who are ready to find the real reason why they feel stuck and disconnected from themselves, helping them to reconnect, honor and express who they really are.
I use all of my training as a Yoga Teacher, Reconnective Healing, Akashic Records, Life Coaching, Emotional Release and Channeling to give each client a unique and personalized experience that will best suit their needs.
I’ve been doing most of my work online but, I’m in the process of expanding it to in-person sessions, workshops, and public speaking so I can inspire even more women to pursue their Purpose.
Any big projects coming in the future?
I’ve been a part of a book collaboration, with 10 other Goddesses, where I share my story of how I healed my traumas from sexual abuse as a child to find myself reconnecting to all my gifts and talents and helping other women do the same.
The book is scheduled to be launched by the end of this year and I can’t wait to start spreading this incredible work and inspire women to embrace their self-discovery journey as well.
Also too, I’m coming up with a Group Program to help women develop their Intuition, REconnect to their Spiritual Guides and Recover their Gifts to best align their work with their Higher Purpose so, stay tuned!
What do you most love about what you do?
Watching women embrace who they really are and become more confident, empowered, compassionate towards themselves and others and live lives from a place of so much self-love and respect that, they start honoring and living their dreams and passions.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
As I continue to become my best version, I hold the light for others.
Right now, my vision for 10 years is to be a public speaker, empowering women and girls to embrace who they really are, bringing a ripple effect to their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
I can easily imagine a world where every daughter, friend, wife, sister, and mother honored themselves, their needs, their gifts, their dreams, and their voices so much that, they can’t help but bring healing to everybody them.
Do you have any tips for women in business?
Take care of yourself first.
As many of you are wives, mothers, and businesswomen, it’s very easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself first.
I learned, the hard way, that my spiritual, physical, mental and physical wellbeing and alignment, are the most important things for me because they feed my soul.
Ladies, it’s only from that place that we can be present for everybody else.
And that’s non-negotiable.
How do you hope to empower women or is there an imprint you’d like to leave?
I’m striving to be an example of courage, empowerment, strength, confidence, and purpose.
My legacy will be the life that I’ve lived, from a place of self-love, compassion, and forgiveness to myself first.
What do you think your ultimate purpose in life is?
I believe that everything that has happened to me so far, especially the childhood abuse, led me to discover how much stronger, resilient and powerful I am.
If I didn’t have to navigate all of my wounds, I would not have found my true Purpose and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.
And that’s my Purpose.
To help other women take responsibility for their own healing, forgive the past and move towards their future, where they have the choice to write a new story for themselves.
How do you think we, together, can help women gain confidence and reach their fullest potential?
To empower, lift up and embrace this beautiful sisterhood that we are.
I believe we as women are being called to reunite and collaborate with one another to bring the best in each other.
We are so much more powerful together, as we share the same heart.
Together we rise.