Repairing The Broken Heart
Life After Trauma
By Mira Cassidy
With schools closed across the country, millions of mothers like you are now taking on the task of ensuring their children are completing the required school curriculum. Many challenges arise with this new feat, including balancing lesson plans for multiple children. Despite whatever difficulty comes from eLearning, you can be successful! Here are a few reminders and tips to assist you through this journey:

Be Patient
Depending on the age of your children the schoolwork can look like rocket science. Today kids learn math differently than years ago leaving moms puzzled and questioning, “Why did they change division?” Or some children were caught in the loop! School districts took cursive away from schools. Now, younger children are required to learn it again while many high school students don’t know how to sign their name.
Technology issues may occur during the day or while trying to log in. It’s frustrating but hang in there. Now that so many people are home, the internet for many students runs extremely slow making it difficult to turn in work or complete quizzes. Nevertheless, keep a positive outlook.
Get Support
Teachers and educators have stepped up in many ways to assist their students through this difficult time. They have handed out their cell phone numbers, emails, established virtual office hours, zoom meetings, and other avenues so that students and parents have the support they need. Just like the nation thanks healthcare workers and first responders, let’s give our teachers praise as well. Keep in mind, especially for high school, that teachers have dozens of families to service. If there is a concern, try to do the best you can until they contact you. Some high school instructors have 200 or more students.
Get assignments and materials out the night before. If you are able, use the weekend to prepare for the week. Start each day off fresh. Make a schedule for learning and let the children be apart of planning the day. It is important the you and your child are on the same page. Build breaks into the day. Remember kids are kids. The entire day shouldn’t be spent inside. Take classwork outside or incorporate play in the learning process.
Though eLearning is new and a challenge, with the right attitude and resources you can ensure that your child continues to learn and is prepared for the next grade level. Even if you work during the day, lesson can be completed in the evenings or weekends instead. If possible, start your own virtual study group to help children stay engaged with their classwork and in contact with their friends. This is a temporary situation and you will get through this!
Senior Moms
Your children expected for this to be one of the best years of their lives and it seems like all they are hearing is everything they can’t do. They can’t have a graduation ceremony, they can’t go to prom, that can’t take a senior trip. This can be a teachable moment for our youths. All celebrations don’t have to be halted, but simply pushed back for now.
Other elearning Resources for Parents
- YouTube videos are available on many topics to help children learn
- Try Rose-Hulman’s AskRose Homework Help 812-877-8435
- Create a login at Khan Academy
- Call your local Department of Education
- Your local library (if your library is closed, try looking online for other resources offered)
Mira Cassidy is an Author, Journalist, and Motivational Speaker
Speaking Topics include:
Breaking Free from Interpersonal Abuse, Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experience
Breaking Toxic Cycles, Maintaining Health and Wellness
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