After serving 5 years in the armed forces, Jessica Jones still struggled with self-doubt and lack of worth. Seeking attention to fill her void, a path of drugs and violence followed. After years of self-destructive behavior, Jones eventually found her husband who she claims calmed her soul and took his time to teach her how to love herself and him. Since leaving the army, Jessica is working toward becoming a financial coach and intimacy coach for women who have experienced sexual trauma in self-awareness efforts.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
As everyone else, I always see my physical first, a curvy woman,
stretch marks and ink cover my body.
But when I
give myself the space to actually look, I see a woman who has dealt with pain,
heart ache and loss.
I see a woman
who has been blessed with joy, love and happiness.
I see a woman
who is wise before her time, has a heart that is still young and adventures
still to be had.
How have you used an adversity to drive you toward success?
I moved house
whilst I was 6 months pregnant, with a 6 yr old who had no school, my husband
was a 2 hour drive away and my family a 4 hour drive in the opposite direction.
I quickly sunk into a dark depression, fearing I would have post natal
depression again. I decided I was going to learn, I was going to learn about
the mind, how we can change our thoughts, how we can improve our situations,
how we can change our lives.
I invested in
myself and whilst juggling home life, work life in the army and being pregnant
with no support I completed my NPL Practitioners Course, and began to apply
this new found knowledge to my life and the life of others around me. This lead
me onto my journey of helping other women.
Tell us about your life work?
spending 5 yrs in the British Army I had gained several qualifications to help
others. I decided to take a chance on myself and leave the army to become a
full time coach. I specialise in helping women have better intimate
relationships and money relationships.
Helping women
to deal with sexual trauma right through to uncovering money beliefs is so
Any big projects coming in the future?
I will be
hosting sexual energy workshops and retreats for women, this retreats are not
like the normal ones currently on offer. Although we tap into your feminine
energy we also have teaching of BDSM and other alternatives that often women
wish to explore but don’t out of fear of lack of knowledge. These workshops
help women become more confident in their desires and be able to practice in
safe environments to be able to expand in their own time at home. These
workshop are safe spaces for women to open up to their deeper desires which
help them to become more creative and allow for more abundance with less
What do you most love about yourself and what you do?
I love my ability to make other women feel comfortable when
talking about their personal lives, I have always been told I have healing
hands too which I love.
Often I can
feel the energy of my client, if it is required we do additional Reiki healing
and cleansing.
Being able to
share energetically as well as verbal are my favourite things.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years time, wow!
I see my
courses and workshops being pushed out to charities such as Women’s Aid and
even across to different countries to help women with their sexual traumas and
I see myself
visiting countries and ensuring they are getting the most from these courses
and are having changes in their lives. A lot of adventures await, a lot of
lives will be changed.
Do you have any tips for women?
Get to know your body
intimately, date yourself.
Don’t wait for someone else to buy you
flowers, treat yourself. Do the small things in your life that you want other
people to do, set your boundaries and others will naturally listen.
How do you hope to empower women or is there an imprint you’d like to leave?
I’d like women to know that it’s okay to be sexually active, but
make sure you are doing the inner work.
I’d like
women to know that it’s okay not to be sexually active, but make sure you are
doing the inner work too.
Today there
is so much pressure to be a curtain way or to fall into a box, you can be out
of that box, it’s okay.
You don’t
have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, but always make sure you look
after yourself, inside and out.
What do you think your ultimate purpose in life is?
Change, to be apart of this new feminine energy that is bringing forth its glory. To be apart of this new wonderful world that holds space for women to be equal again. To ensure there is inner harmony and outer balance.
How do you think we, together, can help women gain confidence and reach their fullest potential?
I love courses, how ever there is no better way
than having real face to face connections.
Getting women out of their homes and into safe environments where they can BE
themselves without fear brings so much power to them.
It’s so easy these days to sit behind a computer and not actually see people
for days. The power of having small groups of women chatting and bouncing off
idea’s and
energy is huge. The impact, support and
accountability they bring to each other is second to none.