You have big goals. A new house. A better car. That big job promotion. And once you achieve these, you’ll be happy, right? But why wait for happiness? Too often, the pursuit of our goals can render happiness a hostage. Steer clear of being wrapped up in the end goal and take time to enjoy the journey.
The Source of Happiness
Sure, goals are important. They give us something to look forward to and work toward. But it is essential to maintain sight of the beauty of this present moment and the happiness that already exists in your life.
Chasing your goals should not be synonymous with chasing your happiness. That constant pursuit can lead to frustration, disappointment, and even burnout. After all, happiness shouldn’t be the prize for your achievements. External factors bolster happiness; they are not the source of it.
True happiness is found within. Look at the life you have built and find joy in the core elements of your being – your mind, body, soul, and emotion.
Seizing Moments of Happiness
Start by recognizing the source of your happiness. When you know the basis of your joy, you can seize these precious moments. In fact, it’s within your power to manifest happiness each day. How? By being decisive. Maybe that sounds too simple, but it’s true. Indecisiveness breeds anxiety and loss of control. When you decide what you will do and when you will do it, you take control of your day and your happiness.
Navigating Dips in Happiness
Of course, not every decision will go the way you plan. Life will throw you curveballs, and you cannot force happiness. As complex beings, we encounter a wide range of emotions. Accept that, at times, you may feel sad or angry. But understand how to navigate through these emotions. Stay grounded in your core elements and the source of your happiness; in doing so, you will return to a state of contentment.
Practicing Happiness
When you think about your goals, are they action items? Probably, because we live in a society that is always on the go. So, find a balance. As you work towards new goals, give yourself time to be still and reflect. Each day, reconnect with the source of your happiness. Look within to consider what you are grateful for by meditating or journaling. And if there are people who enhance your state of happiness, express your gratitude. After all, sharing joy can brighten your day and someone else’s.
Surrounded By Happiness
Make today the start of a new outlook on how you will live. Practice being present in the moment and appreciate what you already have. By embracing your current happiness, you’ll experience improved mental health, better sleep and immunity, and stronger social connections.
Your social circle will play a valuable role in helping you find fulfillment, so kickstart this new purpose-driven journey with the ultimate girls’ trip to the I’m Loving Me Project’s Self-ish Retreat. Link arms with new and old friends alike as you work on strengthening the core elements of your being – your mind, body, soul, and emotion. Learn more about the Self-ish Retreat.