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Love Yourself First: Practicing Self-Compassion for a Happier Life

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When you see someone you love go through a rough patch, you quickly swoop in and offer a reassuring word or an affirming act of kindness. A bad day, a poor decision, and an unforeseen challenge are all part of being human. So, it’s easy to reassure a loved one that they’re not alone and that it will get better. 

But can you offer that same level of kindness and reassurance to yourself?

If not, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with the ability to practice self-compassion. If that’s you, hang in there, sis! We got you. This article will give you the tools to improve your emotional well-being and embrace self-compassion. 

Self-Compassion Explained

Self-compassion may go overlooked, but it’s essential to self-improvement and happiness. Unlike self-esteem, which is a personal viewpoint that rises and falls with our failures and successes, self-compassion is a consistent attitude. Simply put, self-compassion fosters kindness, self-love, and acceptance.

You’re human. You’re going to have setbacks and missteps. How you deal with those challenges will shape your capacity for personal growth. So, give yourself a little love, sis!

The Power of Self-Compassion

When you practice self-compassion, you can experience greater resilience, improved emotional well-being, and more capacity for growth. These mental health benefits enhance your personal life and improve how you connect with people. Self-compassion has the power to transform your life. 

Evidence of the Power of Self-Compassion

  • In Business: With self-compassion, we can harness a growth mindset. So, rather than feeling stuck in a situation, we push past the difficulties and recognize the opportunities. Therefore, you find the confidence to launch a startup or rise to a new challenge in business.
  • In Relationships: When you stop judging yourself, you experience more judgment-free exchanges with others. Therefore, you are more capable of forming authentic connections. For instance, when you’re feeling insecure in a relationship, practicing self-compassion can help you acknowledge your feelings without self-criticism, allowing you to communicate openly. 
  • In Self-Improvement: Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is keep trying. But, when you practice self-compassion, you give yourself permission to stumble and try again. A failure is not a roadblock; it’s merely a bump in the road. 

How To Cultivate Self-Compassion

Next time you make a mistake, pause before you start beating yourself up. Open your heart and mind to self-kindness. Acknowledging the error and how you feel about it is okay. But when that negative feeling or thought bubbles up, own it and move on—don’t ruminate on it. 

Try these practical strategies to make self-compassion a more comfortable response during challenging moments.

Reframe Negative Talk

Your journey towards self-improvement will be more successful with an inner cheerleader than an inner critic. Consider the way you “talk” to yourself. Thoughts like, “I can’t do anything right” or “I am a failure” are detrimental. Instead, honor how you feel with a more positive sentiment. “My mistake does not define me. I have learned from it and am prepared to do better.” 

Use Daily Affirmations

Start each day with positive thoughts that are self-affirming. By consistently saying words of affirmation, we embrace self-kindness. These affirmations offer an easy reflex response to reframe negative thoughts. Use phrases such as:

  • My mistakes are opportunities for personal growth.
  • I deserve compassion and kindness.
  • I accept all parts of me.

Practice Mindfulness Exercises

Self-compassion can be more challenging in the face of a devastating circumstance or personal pitfall. So, mindfulness exercises offer a step-by-step process to help you accept the present situation and its associated feelings. While you practice the mindfulness exercises, you will investigate the cause of your feelings, acknowledge that this is fleeting, and then relinquish your need for control to free yourself. These exercises give you the power to take control of your immediate happiness while fostering long-term positive mental health. 

Give It Time

Remember, self-compassion is a skill you can develop over time. Early on, you must consciously show yourself empathy, forgiveness, and non-judgment. Eventually, the strategies you use to practice self-love will help you experience self-compassion instinctually. 

Feel the Love

Give your emotional well-being a shot of love by embracing self-compassion. Remember, it takes both trials and tribulations to achieve personal growth. So, in light of September self-improvement month, commit to quieting your inner critic. Let your inner cheerleader spread the love. It’s time to embrace self-compassion for a happier, healthier life.


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