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Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...

Marquita Brown: Health Advocate for Black Women

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Self-love embodies a holistic approach to the well being of your mind, body, and spirit. It is reported that the black and brown population experience significant disparities with chronic conditions, access to care, preventive screenings, and mental health.

To change this narrative, it is our job to be proactive with learning about the status of our health– And Marquita Brown dedicates her life to assisting you in the process.

Entrepreneur, mentor, philanthropist, and community advocate, Marquita Brown was born and raised in Petersburg, VA. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in African American Studies, and she is a Licensed Practical Nurse. Marquita believes in social justice, and above all, fights for equity in healthcare and educating African Americans about their health in order for them to make informed, healthy decisions about it. As the Founder of Apple for the Day, she is a health educator and consultant, ensuring people have a basic knowledge of their condition. When it is time to go to a healthcare provider, people can hold an informed conversation with their caregiver. This will, in turn, make the doctor visits a discussion instead of a lecture.

Read her self-love journey below, and be inspired to make your health a priority.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? 

I see a beautifully constructed creation that only God himself could have created with the grace and beauty of no other. I love myself. I am strong, confident, intelligent, and am in the likeness of God himself. I am a queen. No one is me because I am me

What do you do for a living?

I am a Nurse and Health Educator. I work hard every day to show people that taking care of your body and health is all a part of self- love.

How do you think self-love plays a role in success? 

Confidence. You must believe in yourself and your product; even if no one else does. You must be your own motivator and cheerleader. In all victories, large or small, you should celebrate and realize you are one step closer to your goals and dreams. Speak with authority and walk with purpose.

What inspired your journey for better health? 

My mother. She always taught me the importance of self-love. She taught me you can be anything you want. She also taught me you can do anything you want. She encouraged me in any and everything I did. She pushed me and actively participated in all details of my life. She showed me not to procrastinate with anything and that includes your health.

How did your self-love correlate to our health? 

I love myself so much! I love who I am and what I look like. When I found out that others didn’t feel the same way about me and people who look like me, I made the choice to educate myself on us and found a way to change the narrative by implementing self-love and proactiveness in one’s self by taking care yourself. Health equals wealth!

Have you had any adversities that you’ve had to overcome to achieve the success you have now?

Absolutely! The public school system I attended didn’t prepare me for college. I ended up failing out of college my first year. My dad encouraged me by saying that this was a normal phenomenon while others were belittling me and saying I was doing something wrong. I picked myself up and went to a Junior College. When I thought I was ready, I transferred to a University and made awful grades in my STEM courses. I retreated from the University and went back to the Junior College and finished my degree there. During all of this, I left home when I was 20 years old. I worked at jobs that paid minimum wage and could barely afford the apartment I lived in while in college. I had to attend college part-time. I took 2 classes a semester and then eventually 1 class a year. Still making minimum wage, I decided to attend nursing school to finally find gainful employment. I didn’t get a nursing job for nearly 2 years. It took me 14 years to get my bachelor’s degree. Upon graduation, I worked my dream job in Public Health. After working that job for two years, they let me go. I was devastated. I searched everywhere for another position similar to that position and finally decided if you can’t find the position, make the position. Today, because of these triumphs, we have Apple for the Day!

What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?

Seeing the light bulb go off when someone learns something new that I taught them about their health and following through with the steps God has ordained me to follow

What inspires you to keep growing and going?

Ending health disparities in America for African Americans. I believe in equity and African Americans are far from it; especially in health


Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...


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