Meet our new, incredible workshop coach! Mrs. Jackie!

All odds in her favor, Jackie Thomas is one of the most sought-out self-love experts, facilitators and counselors. Her teaching platform “Life’s Changing Seasons” has reached and served thousands of men and women throughout Atlanta.
Jackie self-heals from a traumatic time in her past that negatively shaped her thinking and self-worth. After taking an honest and through look in the mirror at herself she made the choice to change. Jackie began the process of transforming her life by thinking well, feeling healthy and behaving responsibly.
Jackie began to counsel women, men and adolescents who suffered from trauma, addiction, distorted thinking and mental health diseases.
She loved her work with most, but her passion and focus for women’s issues emerged with a well-defined and spiritual purpose. Jackie combined all she learned and experienced personally and professionally She developed a course called “Life’s Changing Seasons” that offers women,exactly, how to transform and self-heal.
Jackie is on a journey to share, embolden, inspire, partner and empower women all around the world with her teachings and message. Jackie lives, is semi-retired, and enjoys Atlanta, Georgia. She is the proud mother of two loving children, six Grand Children and two Great Grand Children.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I see a combination of my stormy ( more like a tornado) past, along with my present peace, as well as my future ambitions. I definitely see my physical self. Sometimes I see myself Graysfully aging, as well as that little vulnerable girl. She gingerly reminds me of who I am today! Often, in awe and in a grateful manner, I see the miraculous results of God’s grace and mercy over my life, for as long as I can remember. (even when I couldn’t see ) At times, I see my flaws and imperfections. Occasionally, I see the other side of myself that still needs work, wanting to still show up, uninvited. I call her “Wackie”. I honestly and without shame, strive to see all of myself, so I can determine what changes that I can, want (sometimes not want) and need to make. I proudly see how much I’ve learned to value and protect my self-worth. I see balance, which I work at a lot. I see confidence and resilience. I see a way out of no way, I see a protector and resource for my family and loved ones. Also, I see remarkable growth and someone that I like more than ever. My purpose shows up, as expected, alive and well every day. I recognize a smile, even faintly sometimes, that reflects how much I love myself, flaws and all. I also see how I have learned and deserve to be loved.
What do you do for a living?
I am retired from the world of work. I now serve as a change-agent, counselor, teacher, adviser, mentor, resource and facilitator to help the same person I saw and see in the mirror.
How do you think self-love plays a role in success?
Self-love played and will always play a vital role in my success. Loving myself gave me confidence to make healthy choices. I was able to define and prioritize my own values. Self-love immeasurably and constructively changed my perspective, my life and my lifestyle. I gave myself permission to write and tell a new story, that replaced the ole self-sabotaging narrative. My foundation now rests on my Source, thereof strength of my life.
How do you think we, as women, can work together to lift each other?
As women we are best to uplift one another even though our stories have different details, we really have common stories, experiences and outcomes. We understand one another’s fears, hopes, insecurities, dreams and the way we think!
Have you had any adversities that you’ve had to overcome in order to achieve success?
Adversities? YES!!! Some that I did not invite or expect and too many that played out, as a result of my low self-worth. I went through a common trauma, between twelve and thirteen years old, (that too many girls experience) that significantly and destructively shaped my thinking, feelings and behaviors for years, which also impacted the very ones I loved the most . I recently read a quote, “If You Don’t Heal What Hurt You, You’ll Bleed On People Who Didn’t Cut You”. (Unknown author)
What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?
My greatest accomplishments ? Understanding the need, learning the hard way of course, to trust and to desire a personal relationship with my Source, God. First and foremost. Learning that I could and should change my MIND. Learning to love myself, so I could give my best to my family, others and my career. Accepting and learning to see myself how God sees me. Holding on through the years of lack and instability, to keep my family together despite not being mentally and emotionally well. Making the decision to surrender and begin the process of self-healing. Identifying and establishing my values and boundaries. Turning shame, guilt and pain into my God-given purpose. Witnessing and using my gift, education, knowledge professional and personal experiences for good, with my focus on women, so they can recognize their gifts and purpose, that positively and profoundly changes their thinking, feelings and behaviors.
What inspires you to keep growing?
Waking up every morning, by God’s grace, reassures and heartens me to continue loving, nurturing and improving myself. I know that I am a work in progress, so I encourage myself daily. I am present in my life and in the lives of others, especially my family . My loving and caring children, my daughter Sugar Bear and my son Gregg, along with my six grandchildren and two of my great-est- grandchildren, (so far) motivate me, daily, to keep rising, to feel like going on and to leave my best legacy. My best will be good enough. Knowing that I am being used and chosen as a vessel, to transform, impact and influence women, how to love themselves….first.