Often, we think of the inner child in terms of trauma – because trauma responses keep emotions trapped in our body that keep us anchored into subconscious aspects of our identity formed by the unprocessed emotions.
Having one steady revenue stream is excellent, but having more than one is even better. If the last two years taught us anything, it’s that we should expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to the economy.
Imposter Syndrome is a topic that has been trending. However, it is not a new concept. The term was coined in the 1970’s by Clance and Imes as Imposter Phenomenon.
At present, gender equity across workplaces remains insufficient in the UK. Furthermore, data on today’s labour force found that women in the UK continue...
When corporate women level up, business results soar. Whether climbing the corporate ladder or running a small business, these leadership tips will enhance results.
Having self-worth and self-confidence is key when it comes to your mental health and overall well-being. Without it, there’s a chance that you’ll develop unhelpful coping habits, depression, anxiety, or find yourself in relationships and friendships that don’t serve you.
Izma Entertainment, founded in 2006, is a hybrid branding...
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Gloria Ward helps you strategize, innovate, grow and profit in your business. Haven’t started a business yet? No worries. Come learn how you can get your business up and running in a little as 2 hours.