While you may regret investing in a fancy designer purse or pair of statement pants that you will only ever wear once, you will never regret investing in yourself. Prioritizing your wellness, health, and knowledge can help you become more successful in your personal and professional life.Â
Having one steady revenue stream is excellent, but having more than one is even better. If the last two years taught us anything, it’s that we should expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to the economy.
Imposter Syndrome is a topic that has been trending. However, it is not a new concept. The term was coined in the 1970’s by Clance and Imes as Imposter Phenomenon.
At present, gender equity across workplaces remains insufficient in the UK. Furthermore, data on today’s labour force found that women in the UK continue...
When you start a business, it's easy to overlook this distinction. In the beginning, the main goal is having control of your schedule and earning revenue, but eventually, it's crucial that your company can survive without you.
As a strong, motivated woman striving to succeed professionally and in your personal life, think about standing on the shoulders of giants—metaphorically, not literally.
If you’re in the corporate world, it's very likely that you spend a significant amount of time at the office, or interacting with other employees. Even if you’re in a remote role, working from home, the culture of the organization you work for infiltrates and affects your life.
Izma Entertainment, founded in 2006, is a hybrid branding...
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Gloria Ward helps you strategize, innovate, grow and profit in your business. Haven’t started a business yet? No worries. Come learn how you can get your business up and running in a little as 2 hours.