A victim of absentee parents, Anastasia has grown up not
knowing where her meals would come from, sleepless nights
alone in the home, and suffered the bullying often times
encountered as children grow up. Recognizing her pain and
empathizing with others in the similar situations, her approach
to life has been to help the less-fortunate, ill, or out-casted.
She sets her lyrics to today’s EDM-Pop beats and has recorded
with award winning producers with a pulse on the music of

Self-taught, self-developed, and self-sufficient, Anastasia has
taken on challenges in life that defeat the greatest of
champions and now she is putting her life experience to pen
and taking her love of writing, singing, and performing to
develop a platform to communicate her message of hope!
Anastasia began performing at the age of four for anyone that
would watch! Something charismatic set her apart from others’
her age, but with the encouragement of family and friends, she
latched on to the dream of fame and got to work on
accomplishing her destiny. Using instructional books and videos
and every class that she could attend in high school and
college, she had been a sponge for information, technique,
mainstream trends. Never losing focus of her goals, she
graduated high school as the Valedictorian, logged hundreds of
hours of community service, and served as the Student Council
President, all while developing her craft as a song-writer and
performer. Her efforts landed her a coveted four-year
scholarship to continue her education at the University of
Now with the fundamentals mastered, a polished modern look,
and a network in Los Angeles, California, Anastasia is
continuing the progress with a second single release, “Up In
Smoke,” a follow up to her debut release: “Damn.” Through the
direction of management, Ablaze Entertainment, her releases
have been spaced to allow Anastasia to build her fan base
while in balance with her aspirations of a four-year degree.
Nearing the end of college, she has dedicated more time in the
studio putting the lyrics, of her many penned songs, to music
and taken opportunities to perform in California, Oregon, Idaho,
Washington. She started with humble beginnings opening for
artists throughout Oregon and Washington, but has since
moved her path to include performing as a featured artist in
acclaimed venues such as The El Rey Theatre, The Roxy, and
House of Blues in 2019 to promote her the latest singles!
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I see a young, determined, women who wants to bring happiness and positivity to the world so that others can see the beauty in themselves and pursue their dreams.
What do you do for a living?
Currently I am finishing up my senior year at the University of Oregon to receive my bachelors degree. Along with that, I am a singer/songwriter. I am releasing my single September 20th on all platforms and am working on a few other songs with three different djs.
How do you think self-love plays a role in success?
I think self love is extremely difficult sometimes but it does play a role in success because it allows you bring out the best qualities that you have to use towards your goals. When you love yourself, you are able to show love to other people, and that itself is success in life.
How do you think we, as women, can work together to lift each other?
Women empowering women is important because as we have seen throughout history women have not always had equal opportunities, so when we work together and encourage one another it helps us work harder to reach those opportunities we thought we could never get. Doubt is what holds a lot of people back and with us helping encourage one another, women can gain the confidence and never settle for less.
Have you had any adversities that you’ve had to overcome in order to achieve success?
I have had many. My childhood was very difficult. Both of my parents were drug addicts and my dad was in and out of prison. My mother was in an abusive relationship so I was constantly scared. I would go to sleep crying at night and then go to school the next morning trying to be OK. I witnessed things that no child should ever see. My mom is currently in prison as well and that is a challenge I face every day. I miss her a lot and it’s hard sometimes when I need support. With all of that being said, if it wasn’t for these adversities I’ve had to overcome I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I have a story to tell and I hope to share that with people and children all over the world and let them know you are not alone. I was set up for failure by my childhood, but I overcame the challenges and now am working towards achieving my dreams. I want to be a role model for others and help them see that their past does not define their future and they can overcome any challenges they are faced with.
What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?
I think the greatest accomplishment to date for me would be the few kids I have helped. I had a few mother’s reach out to me from prison that were friends with my mom and wanted help because their children would not forgive them and they asked me how I forgave my mom and if I could help them. So I talked with each of their children for a while and helped them realize that their mothers do love them and how they cannot hold hate in their hearts. Everyone makes mistakes. We had long conversations and at the end of it all they grew closer to their mothers than they ever were before. Receiving the letters and phone calls from the mothers crying and thanking me for helping them rekindle their relationship with their daughters was the most amazing moments for me. That was one of the biggest accomplishments I have ever had.
What inspires you to keep growing?
What inspires me to keep growing is my great grandpa. He was like a dad to me and took me in and raised me with my great grandma as well. I never felt more loved by anyone else in my entire life. He made sure I had everything I needed in order to help me succeed in life and not go down the path my parents did. Before he passed away last year all he wanted was for me to finish school and live my dreams. He was my role model and I keep growing for him. I know he’s watching me and I want to show him how far I have come in life because of his support and help.