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Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...

Your life didn’t reset on January 1st

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The start of a new year is often seen as a time for reflection and making changes in our lives. It’s the perfect opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to set goals and make resolutions for the year ahead. These resolutions can be related to improving your health, relationships, career, or personal growth. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and identify areas of your life that can be improved upon. It’s a magical time with a sense of optimism and hope for the future. Making new year’s resolutions can be a way to take control of your destiny and change your life.

However, if we’re real with ourselves, we know that our lives don’t simply reset from one day to the next just because it’s a new year.

Spoiler alert: You are the same person you were yesterday.

True, lasting change takes time and effort. It’s important to be patient and persistent in working toward your goals, and not expect overnight success. It’s also important to be kind to yourself and remember that it’s okay to make mistakes or have setbacks along the way. It’s important to approach the new year with a sense of hope and possibility, but also with a realistic understanding that change isn’t going to happen overnight.

This is your gentle reminder not to beat yourself up over every little setback. It’s natural to make mistakes or have setbacks from time to time, and it’s important to recognize that these are a normal part of life. Beating yourself up over every little setback can lead to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and low self-esteem. Instead of dwelling on setbacks and mistakes, it can be helpful to focus on learning from them and moving forward.

This year, you can make massive and lasting change! But go easy on yourself along the way. Work smart, not hard. It is possible to make significant, lasting changes in your life while being kind to yourself along the way. It also helps to have a community of like-minded supportive women cheering you on and supporting your continued personal and professional development. Here at the I’m Loving Me Project, we got you! And we can’t wait to watch you grow in 2023!


Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...


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