About Us


What is The I'm Loving Me Project?


The I’m Loving Me Project is #squadgoals – we’re the girlfriends you’ve been waiting for, you know the kind that supports and motivates you? We’re the glass of wine and all of the secrets we’ve been dying to spill. Women come to us with open arms and we’re the ears that listen and the light that guides. We inspire and support your self-growth journey, your healing journey, AND your entrepreneur journey. We want to see women rock life with true happiness and success. We’re a global self- love sisterhood devoted to personal growth & life with purpose.

Meet The Founder

Gloria Ward

Teacher | Entrepreneur | Business Strategist | Author | Renegade for Love

Hi, my name is Gloria Ward and this entire website is all about you. I don’t care if you’re a career woman, stay at home mom, or entrepreneur, our programs are here to teach you how to not only build confidence and love yourself, but also give you the option to create an empire if you so desire.

I believe I have a wealth of insight and experiences that can make an incredible impact on your life and in the lives of the people in your life.

When you get involved with me or with one of our programs, you will find that we are all about community and self-love. I strongly believe in order to improve anything in your life personally and professionally it starts with YOU taking a good hard look at yourself and making a decision to make those necessary changes to be a better person and or entrepreneur.

I encourage you to download all of the free resources we have available and get involved as much as you can. This is your time to step into your destiny and finally live the life that you always dream of. Let me and my team help you make that dream come true.

See you on the inside,


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