Repairing The Broken Heart
Life After Trauma
By Mira Cassidy
“Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.”
-Phenomenal Woman, Maya Angelou
What makes you beautiful? Do you sense the beauty that radiates from your veins? Does your inner and outer beauty bring comfort?
It is nice to hear the words, “Your beautiful.” However, it’s even better with the response, “I know!” Too many times hearing those words for some is foreign, instead of familiar. Other times, those words are spoken as an entry way or attention getter. If the individual receiving the complement does not have a strong sense of self, simply hearing those words and the excitement behind it can start a long toxic journey.

Moreover, it’s important for you to always be proud of your beauty and sure of it. Be firm in knowing that you are beautiful on the inside and out. There are so many horrors that have happen and can happen that crush your heart and spirit. Sadly, according to the National Coalition of Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women have experienced severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, partner stalking, fearfulness, post traumatic stress disorder and more. Violence can easily cause not only physical health disturbances, but emotional scares that linger. Naturally, a victim may feel unpretty and have a lack of self-worth.
Some have been reared in homes that lacked a display of love and affection. Every being yearns for love and affection. Babies come out of the womb with a need to be loved and cared for. Self-love is necessary. It doesn’t matter what your past was or what you lacked in life. If you are already not doing so, now is the time to build your self-esteem and refuse to let anyone depreciate your value.
Reprogram and recondition yourself. You could start off by keeping a journal and each day write down three reasons why you are beautiful. With consistency, in a short time, you will start to feel different about yourself and feel your self-esteem rise.
Mothers teach your children to love themselves as early as possible. Regularly uplift them by telling them how beautiful and smart they are. Tell them you love them every day. Teach your children what it feels like to be proud of who they are, as well as the epitome of self-love.