The I'm Loving Me Project

Connect and Reconnect With Your Inner Self and Awaken Your True Purpose

Dear Soul Seeker

Let me know if you can relate to this:

You’re facing many challenges in your life, and sometimes those challenges can take you down a road where at some point, you feel stuck.

You find it very difficult to forgive those who you’ve deemed have done you wrong and can’t let go of the past.

You can’t understand why you can’t get ahead at work or have a proper relationship.

You feel like you will never escape your personal challenges and crisis, and because of this, you’re starting to believe that your dreams are unattainable. It always seems like you’re struggling to find your way.

Doubt is creeping in, and you’re becoming unclear about your purpose and how you should show up in the world. You’re desperately searching for a way out, but when you think you’ve found one, life seems to knock you right back to where you started.

Does this sound familiar? If so, keep reading…

See, I understand exactly where you are…

Just a few short years ago… I didn’t know which way my life was going! 

I felt like I was losing everything I loved and what I thought represented me. I was losing my business, husband, house, and most of all, MYSELF. I was drinking a glass of wine every night and hanging out with people I knew I shouldn’t have. I was doing anything and everything to mask and numb the pain I was feeling inside.

The crazy part was I thought I was fully functional. I was working every day, putting on a smile, and making sure I did what I had to do to live. At night, I had trouble sleeping. I constantly ask myself, “How did I get here?” ” How do I get out?” I wasn’t happy that I was losing everything and was very fearful of starting over. I was trying to hold on to everything I had, and the more I tried to hold on, the worse it got.

As my problems increased, so did my bad habits. I was blaming everyone else for my issues. I told myself, ” If it weren’t for “these” people” I wouldn’t be here.

One day

I was listening to a motivational video (Something I often did), and these two quotes stood out to me:

  • “To forgive is to set the prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you allows you to be yourself.”
  • “Unforgiveness unchecked becomes cancer in our soul. It starts to spread to the other areas of our life.”

And then it clicked. All the things I was doing, thinking I was living life to the fullest, and in control of my life, I was really hurting myself. All the power I thought I had, was just showing my insecurities. When I looked in the mirror, I realized I was 20 pounds overweight, sick, and tired. Tired of hurting but most all tired of masking my pain. That night I decided that I was going to change. Before I could do that, I knew I needed to get help. Within a few weeks, I met a woman who became my mentor. She exposed all the negative thoughts I had about myself. The resentment I was carrying from my marriage and the unprocessed trauma I had from my childhood. She taught me how to look in the mirror and speak life into myself, but more importantly, she taught me how to self-heal.

After a few weeks, I told all my friends what I’d been learning, and they decided to support me in my healing journey. It went from just me to a group of us releasing, connecting, and healing. After a while, it started getting bigger and bigger, and I couldn’t believe It was so many women who felt like me, who wanted to self-heal, and who were ready for a change. We started to call our meetings “Sister Soul-Connection”.

Sister Soul-Connection

became safe space for women

Sister Soul-Connection became that safe space for women to come and finally release their traumas, resentment, and unpleasant emotions. It became a safe space to laugh and learn a new way of being.

Eventually, the group grew, and my mentor told me it was time for her to allow me to teach and share what I learned with the world. It was like she was passing the torch. A woman who figured out how to love herself and live in the moment was now letting me share my experiences and tools with other women. It’s because of her and my experiences that I open up Sister Soul-Connection to you.

During the workshop, I will teach you:

Sister Soul-Connection

Became the safe space for women

To come and finally release their traumas, resentment, and unpleasant emotions. It became a safe space to laugh and learn a new way of being.

Eventually, the group grew, and my mentor told me it was time for her to allow me to teach and share what I learned with the world. It was like she was passing the torch. A woman who figured out how to love herself and live in the moment was now letting me share my experiences and tools with other women. It’s because of her and my experiences that I open up Sister Soul-Connection to you.

In this program, I will offer:

Join our Sisterhood


Monthly Memberhip

$25/ month


$240/ year

Join our Sisterhood


Daily programming

Daily programming for inspiration, motivation (Inspiration in 30, sister to talks, Private but not secret fireside chats)


Participate in weekly Group therapy, coaching and chats with top spiritual, health and healing coaches

Enjoy live interviews

Enjoy live interviews from amazing coaches, guest, and talks with Gloria

private conversations

Interact in private conversations with our private facebook community

Receive discounts

Receive discounts on all ILMP events and programs

Here's your chance to finally get the clarity, strength, and wisdom you need to become your best self.


Here’s What We Will Cover During Our Time Together:

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror

Here is where we pull back the layers and shed light on how we currently view ourselves. We expose the traumas that have kept us hostage.

Overcoming Victim Mentality

Everything is not their fault. During this week, we will explore victim mentality and how it’s holding you from achieving not only your goals but finding your true purpose.

How Beliefs Affect Your Self-Image

Most of the time, we’re not aware of our unconscious thoughts. Here you will learn the stories you’ve been telling yourself and put a spotlight on your current beliefs and what’s holding you back.

Building Your Self-Worth

Here we start the transformation process. Imagine what your life would look like if you loved yourself. What would change if you let go of self-criticism and the fear of not being enough?

Healing your Relationships

Learn the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship and set boundaries. Learn the proper ways to have compassion without sacrificing yourself.

Becoming Truly You

Learn how to embrace the new you unapologetically. New life, a new way of thinking, and New purpose. 

This membership is for the woman who...

If this sounds like you… Then join Sister Soul-Connection

Meet Your Soul Sister

Gloria Ward

Hey Sis, My name is Gloria Ward. If you’ve read up to this point, then you know a little bit of my story. If you haven’t, then I want you to know that Soul Connection was truly developed out of love and sisterhood. Most, if not all, of my workshops and courses, are birthed on real-life experiences and contain years and years of study and practice. I strongly believe that for us to live an amazing life truly, we have to know and BELIEVE just how awesome we are. This workshop is designed to not only teach you that but allow you to reach back and grab another sister and show her the way. Make this day the day that you finally decide to choose yourself. I can’t wait to meet and work with you.

Register for Six Week Training and Receive

Warning: Due to the nature of the course and the level of interaction needed, Soul-Connection can only take 50 women. Register now to hold your slot.

Have Any Questions?


Didn’t get your answer? Contact us by clicking here

You will receive a welcome email with a link to your course booklet, weekly meeting schedule, and your first assignment. You will also get access to the Facebook group to introduce yourself to the rest of the women.

We want to work with women who will be 100% committed to the six-week process. If this program is not for you, we will grant you a 100% refund.

You will have access to the recordings that you’ve missed and will be allowed to catch up. If you get too far behind, one of our team members will discuss special options.

We will have a private Facebook community where you can ask your questions to the group or privately to our team members. You can expect a response within less than 24 hours.

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Sister Soul Connection

Connect and Reconnect With Your Inner Self and Awaken Your True Purpose.