There I was, sitting at the kitchen table sobbing. I had given it my all. And now, I had nothing to give. I was the definition of burnout. Sound familiar? If so, keep reading. Because this article is your answer to turning around a breakdown.
There is a direct connection between the history of the building, the fight for equal education, and the achievements of prominent persons such as Sarah J.S. Tompkins Garnet, the first Black female principal.
Black campaigners and involved residents have expressed concerns that the pursuit of reparations may result in empty promises rather than practical efforts.
After years of brainstorming, creating your brand, developing your idea, and a ton of hard work, it’s finally time to launch your business and take it to the public. You’re bringing your brand to the market for the very first time, which can be exciting and scary all at once.
Izma Entertainment, founded in 2006, is a hybrid branding...
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Gloria Ward helps you strategize, innovate, grow and profit in your business. Haven’t started a business yet? No worries. Come learn how you can get your business up and running in a little as 2 hours.