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Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...


Mid-Year Check-In: Revisiting Your Goals and Setting New Intentions

When was the last time you checked in on your goals? As the year rushes by, it can be easy to fall into a...

Self-Care on a Budget: Affordable Ways to Treat Yourself

You work hard. So, shouldn’t you get to play hard, too? Heck yeah, sis! If you’re going to sustain your unwavering commitment to reaching...

The Ultimate Reset: Why You Need a Weekend Getaway for Mind and Body Renewal

Vacation or a nice, relaxing holiday -- it’s something we all want, but find difficulty planning due to our schedules that are jam-packed with...
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Overcoming Analysis Paralysis – 5 Ways to get out of your own way and take action today

Jumping into something head-first without weighing the pros and cons isn't logical. Sure, you want to say, "Heck yes!" without a second thought when your...

You Can’t Save Everyone: Supporting Loved Ones With Mental Health Issues Without Losing Yourself.

You’re a good friend. We’ll let you sit on those words of affirmation for a moment. You’re always there for a sister in need, offering an...

The Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Health: Foods That Boost Your Mood

It’s time to reflect on your eating habits, especially that bowl of ice cream you eat every night. While we know donuts and cookies are incredibly tasty, we also know that eating them on a regular basis isn’t great for your mental and physical health. 

Perfection is Overrated: Let’s Embrace the Chaos

It’s no surprise that when you try so hard to be perfect, life ends up passing you by and you can miss out on some pretty cool opportunities. Many people think that being perfect will solve all their problems and make them more likable to others but in reality, perfectionism is linked to burnout, anxiety, and depression.

The Power of Positive Affirmations for Mental Health

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month all over the globe, making it the perfect time to shed some light on the mental health struggles faced by a community that is often marginalized.

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Self-Love

Weight loss is never an easy journey. It can often be discouraging, challenging, and arduous. It doesn’t help that progress isn’t always immediate and goals aren’t always met, and that can impact self-love.

Men’s Mental Health Matters More Than Ever

It’s Black History Month, and that means it’s the perfect time to discuss mental health matters in our community. Many of us know that the Black Community faces many barriers regarding diagnoses and receiving adequate care.

Discovering What Your Inner Child Needs

Often, we think of the inner child in terms of trauma – because trauma responses keep emotions trapped in our body that keep us anchored into subconscious aspects of our identity formed by the unprocessed emotions.

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Women in Business: Toneka Wright

Movies empower, educate, entertain, and inspire. Romance, comedy, drama,...

Monique Rose: Cancer Survivor to Serial Entrepreneur

With a fifteen-year proven track record of increasing sales...

Being a voice for the voiceless: how a survivor wants to help victims of human trafficking

I am a 35-year-old survivor of human trafficking, and...

Women in Business Wednesday: Trina Sanchez

Izma Entertainment, founded in 2006, is a hybrid branding...

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