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Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...

Digital Detox: Unplugging for Mental Clarity and Peace

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When was the last time your smartphone wasn’t within arm’s reach? If you don’t remember, you’re not alone.  In a world where 61% of people admit to being addicted to the internet and digital devices, our phones have become a go-to source of connection and entertainment. But, it comes at a price. 

The Technology Trap

Minutes can quickly turn to hours as we get lost on social media or aimlessly scroll through videos. In turn, we have less time to meet up with friends, hit the gym, or even go to bed at a reasonable time. Even worse, social media can lead to a mental spiral when we compare ourselves to unrealistic versions of others – leading to lower self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression. 

Escape the Trap

But you have the power to take control back. With a digital detox, you can commit to setting aside time each day to unplug and focus on self-care. 

If you’re really serious about your digital detox, you may even kickstart it with a complete disconnect. Recharge your mind, body, and spirit at a retreat where you can learn to make lasting changes to lead a more purposeful life.  

Live Without Digital Constraints

At first, it may be hard to disconnect; after all, technology is everywhere. So, you will need some self-discipline in the beginning. It is best to set boundaries for when you will use technology, how long, and for what purposes. 

Digital Detox Tips

  • Define a daily timeframe when you will take a technology break.
  • Put devices away when not in use, especially during tech-free time.  
  • Communicate with loved ones before your digital detox so they understand when and why you may be unreachable.
  • Focus on one screen at a time when you do use technology.
  • Silence or turn off notifications to minimize distractions and tech temptations.
  • Eliminate digital sources that bring negative experiences and emotions. 
  • Avoid technology use before bed. 

Don’t let downtime lead to mindless social media scrolls, binging TV, or getting lost in the latest game app. None of these activities are productive – and worse – they can lead to negative thoughts and habits. By unplugging and taking a daily technology break, you can protect your mental health and make each day more purposeful. 

Alternatives to Digital Entertainment

Sure, most people need technology for today’s workforce requirements. So, it’s reasonable to expect that your work obligations will continue as usual. But in your free time, how can you refocus your efforts to involve less technology dependence? 

Get Active – Go for a walk, hit the gym, or take up a hobby sport. The goal is to get your body moving again. Exercise is especially beneficial if you’ve spent a workday in front of a computer. It’s a great way to relieve stress, reduce headache tension, combat weight gain, and gain mental clarity. 

Practice Mindfulness – Take a break from daydreaming, let go of negative thoughts, and relinquish stress. To gain mental clarity and peace, adopt a routine meditation practice like mindfulness exercises. These exercises can help you focus and increase your attention span during other parts of the day. It’s also a practice to help you accept yourself and find pleasure in life’s present moments.  

Heighten Productivity – When you set the technology aside, you are forced to face your to-do list with more focus. Without distractions, you can accomplish more in less time. This sense of accomplishment is also a catalyst to help you feel content and confident. 

By embracing a digital detox, you are giving yourself a chance to focus more on yourself – your personal development, your mental health, and your self-care needs. 

Commit to Your Digital Detox

Don’t let your phone – or any digital device – overtake your life. It’s time to get serious about your digital detox. Take this opportunity to unplug and recharge in a supportive and nurturing environment where you can focus on personal development. The women at the I’m Loving Me Project have brought together the best coaches and practitioners to empower you. Join like-minded women at the self-ish retreat and discover the best version of yourself.


Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...


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