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Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...

The Harsh Reality of Pregnant Immigrant Women in Corporate America

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Pauline Gras: LinkedIn

I’ve got a story to share, and it’s not a pretty one. It’s about being a pregnant immigrant woman in the cutthroat world of corporate America. Buckle up because it’s a wild ride.

So, picture this: I’m six months pregnant, knee-deep in the green card process, and working my butt off at X (formerly Twitter). Then, out of nowhere, bam! I get the boot. A call at 4:30 pm with my manager, and just like that, I’m out on my ear. No warning, no chance to prepare—just a swift kick to the curb.

For six long years, I poured my heart and soul into that company. I was there, giving it my all through layoffs, team decimations, you name it. But apparently, that wasn’t enough.

And get this—the cherry on top? It all went down during Women’s Month. Irony, much?

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not one to wallow in self-pity. But let’s call a spade a spade: this whole situation is messed up. Being pregnant and facing unemployment is tough enough, but throw in the added stress of being an immigrant? It’s a recipe for disaster.

I refuse to let this setback define me. Sure, it’s a punch in the gut, but I’m not giving up. I’m here, reaching out for guidance, advice, and maybe even some freelance gigs to tide me over for the next few months.

Now, I know there are challenges ahead—visa logistics, liquidating assets, you name it—but I’m not backing down. My family’s well-being is my top priority, and I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure our well-being.

The above is a paraphrased true-life story of Pauline Gras. 

And hey, if you find yourself in this situation or similar, at ILMP, we are a sisterhood that supports one another. I want to share that we have a Free and virtual Sister Soul Connection program coming up on the 9th of May that could really help those of us who’ve faced this kind of trauma. Check it out, and let’s support each other through these challenging times.

So, what do you think about my story? Have you or someone you know experienced something similar? This is the sad reality of many women in corporate America. How do you think situations like this should be handled in the corporate world? 

Please share your thoughts with us!


Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened...


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This article written and submitted by third party.

Former Deputy Charged in Fatal Shooting of Sonya Massey: A Call for Justice

Former deputy Sean Grayson faces murder charges in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey, an unarmed Black woman, in her Illinois home. Grayson, who...

Black Women are NOT SAFE! even in their own home.

By now you've heard or read the story of Sonya Massey. The woman killed in her own home by a police officer (we refuse to call him by his name).  Body Cam has now been released that shows the officer yelling at Massey to put down a pot of water and then threatens to shoot her.

Miss Kansas 2024 Alexis Smith Uses Platform to Advocate Against Domestic Violence

Alexis Smith, crowned Miss Kansas 2024 in June, opened up about her experience with domestic violence during her final interview at the pageant. Over...


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